Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Run Like Hell From Fear and Ignorance

Societies have always struggled with fear. Do we have enough? Then our greed and xenophobic fears kick in: 'I want more, those people are different than me'. The fear and ignorance leads society to the worst place we can go - killing our own species.

Writers, artists, whistle blowers and others have been yelling ''Wake-up" for as long as there has been oppression. We can't just sit back and 'thank our lucky stars' we were born in the right place. It's our obligation to fight ignorance whenever we see it or feel it.

This video is one of my favorite cries against oppression whether as a child in school or when you grow up and become an oppressor in your own way. We're all oppressed and we're all oppressors. But we can pay attention to our own ignorance and break the cycle.

In this Guardian article on French oppression of migrants in Calais, "Isarullah, 21, a former student, showed knife scars on his stomach and chest, saying violence had made him leave his village outside Kabul. He had been sleeping in and around the park for a month.

"The conditions here are a nightmare," he said. "I had a blanket, it was stolen. I sleep in my clothes, under bridges, under buildings, moving from night to night. We've got nothing to eat except a bit of bread we get as hand-outs. If we see food, we fall on it like animals, we're so hungry. I can't go back to Afghanistan, it's too dangerous. We're afraid of the French police. There's a whole generation of young Afghans here who just want papers and a chance to work, but it seems more and more hopeless."


Do we close our borders to those who need help? Do we close our eyes and ears too? The problem is we can't close our hearts.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

The World is No More

Dubai, UAE and the world's uber-rich came up with this Stupid idea to build luxury living at its largest as only the rich middle east can do. Luxury from sand. But the market fell, the money fell through and people pulled back. The UAE has over $300 billion in development on hold. One of the lesser emirates, a poorer cousin UAE member had massive power outages. But the leader still has his bit of The World.

About a year ago I read that foreigners, read your friends who worked in "the middle east", were abandoning their cars, read luxury sedans and suvs, at the airport as they fled their new found home back to, every western region of the world. Leaving behind now unemployed nannies, and masses of now unemployed downsized foreigners with no better options.

So I welcome back my friends, to their taxable incomes, if they found jobs. And all that Canada has to offer including temperate weather, freedom to drink and all the municipal recycling they can handle.